Charlie Martin memorial
January 21, 1943 - September 20, 2014

Charlie, as he was known to all of us, was the consummate community action person. He was the "go-to" person that many of us in Lewis reached out to when help was needed. Although Charlie may be out of sight from us, his ideas and values for community service shall be the unifying community response to keep his name alive. Charles Martin gave of himself for his community not for the accolades but rather because this was who he truly was, a person who wanted to help others and often did so quietly and without seeking attention. Although we will remember him for his service to the people of Lewis, Charlie would want to be remembered for being a good husband, father and grandfather. These roles were the most important in his life along with his service to his church. To Charlie's family and friends: we at the Town of Lewis thank you for sharing him with us. We were fortunate to have had Charlie part of us and know that a person like him comes along only once in a lifetime. Goodbye Charlie, God speed on your journey.